
DIY Oak Tortilla Press: YAY!

I am so so very excited, I have wanted my own Wood tortilla press for a long time, I finally made my own out of some Oak that I bought at my local Lowes! Best part - the whole thing with hardware cost me only 20$!

For those who want to attempt this on your own , you will need some familiarity with working wood and the following

1 12 " X 24 " Oak board = around 12$
1 Oak staircase baluster = around 6 $ (looks like this)
two 2" hinges
1 carriage bolt

Ask the fellow at your Lowes to cut the oak board into two pieces of 11" and 13" respectively. Similarly ask him to cut the baluster into two , at around 3/4rth of the length. Hardwoods like oak can be difficult to cut with your jigsaw, so find the man!

Fasten the hinges to the both the oak boards.

This was the easy part so far.

The thing that takes the most time is figuring out at what angle you want the handle / oak baluster to hit the top board. Thing is , the oak handle should put pressure on the center and the edge of the top oak board. Once you figure that out , the rest is easy if you have a drill bit the size of your carriage bolt. Drill bits are pretty cheap at walmart, around a dollar or so. Attach to your power drill.

Stain and varnish is not necessary but it makes the press look spectacular no?

Anybody need more help do leave a comment and i will be glad to help out


FH said...

You made this? Whoa! Good one ms. I have a cast iron one, doesn't work evenly, one side of Tortilla comes out thicker than the other.

It's a beauty though. Send it to Bee's CLICK-Wood event.

Priya said...

This is such a wonderful idea! It looks better than any of the fancy store bought gadgets I must say. Will surely give it a try, atleast for the fun part if nothing else :D

Usha said...

You MADE this, amazing ! It looks so beautiful and perfect ! I have never used a tortilla press, it must reduce time taken for rolling quite a bit, hmm....

bee said...

that's way cool.

delhibelle said...


Suganya said...

Soooper :)

ms said...

Hi guys, asha, usha, bee, Priya, delhibelle and suganya :Thanks! but My tortilla press is undergoing technical difficulties :) aka it broke down :( I am fixing it now. I hope to post about the new improved design soon